Sunday, February 16, 2020

Improving Disneyworld Paris Financial Position and Competitiveness Assignment

Improving Disneyworld Paris Financial Position and Competitiveness - Assignment Example Euro Disney’s economic profits in the years immediately after it was launched fell far below expectations. Even though the Disney executives carefully carried out an extensive analysis of the market conditions in Europe and France, in specific, there were significant failures that happened. The problems were caused by an assortment of issues such as the wrong evaluation of market conditions and expectations about France’s future economic development, the happenings in the property market, highly priced tickets, and cultural misunderstandings. In spite of its popularity in Europe, the Disney Park in Paris has not registered as many guests as identical theme parks in America and Asia. What is evident is that there was not enough research conducted on the demographic and cultural characteristics of France, as well as the rest of the European mainland, before the launching of the theme park in 1992. There are very distinct differences between European and American culture. According to Dennis (2014), investors from the parent company, Walt Disney in America, did not take into account the fact that European customers did not have similar entertainment objectives with their American counterparts.It was presumed that customers would come to Disneyworld Paris from all over Europe. However, there was no research into factors such as the diversity of European cultures, the definitions that each of these cultures attributes to the concept of entertainment, and the aspect of cultural imperialism.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Self Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Self Study - Essay Example The importance of self-study cannot be undermined as Shakespeare said† to thine own self be true†. There is a gem of wisdom behind that line since self-study reveals the foundations of a person’s character, values as well as environmental factors that have greatly influenced her perspectives in life. The following is an excerpt of an interview of myself done by my colleague. Mass media often plays a significant role in disseminating information to society. When asked about my favorite TV shows, books, and characters I replied that I loved watching TV shows like â€Å" Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood Wonder Woman, Incredible Hulk and the Jefferson’s† as a child. Of course, there were many wholesome shows then but the aforementioned really suited my taste. The books I have read were â€Å"Mice and Men† George Orville, 1984, and Aesop’s fables. I loved these stories since they were filled with Fairy Tales, morals, and mythology. In fact, my favorite characters were the Tortoise and the Hare. I realized a valuable lesson from the slow tortoise: plodding along with determination will get me to where I want to be if I never give up. Until today, I kept that lesson in mind and use it whenever situations are difficult, I persevere until the end. Another character I liked was Elmo. Until today, I am not certain whether Elmo is male or female, but I do think he is male. The lessons I learned from Elmo were creativity, tolerance, optimism, and the opportunity for simple pleasures. Although the media influences children’s minds, it cannot be denied that parent’s are the primary role models for a growing child. According to Santrock (1994) : †The information that surrounds the child and which is internalized comes to the child within the family arena through parent-child interactions, role modeling,